July 31, 2013

Sisseton First Day, VBS "United" Wednesday, July 31

Reuniting with church family here in Sisseton this week is a blessing.  

There are 23 people on our team this year in Sisseton, and we work together with two churches to work in unity to build relationships within the community.Our theme this year for Vacation Bible School here in Sisseton  is "United,"  We are rooted in Jesus together as one family. While in Sisseton, South Dakota, we will be visiting church family at Dakota Alliance Church and Sisseton Alliance Church.  

Our day on Wednesday began very early as our team gathered after breakfast for devotions and prayer for the day. We arrived at the Dakota Alliance Church at 8:30 am and promptly prepared for the children to arrive.  Everyone gathered in the sanctuary, and we began with a prayer and VBS songs. The children were eager to sing and learn the actions to the songs. The lesson for the children included Christmas and the birth of Jesus. After songs and story time, the children went outside to receive a t-shirt for tie die fun.

In the afternoon, the men of the church worked on rebuilding the back stairs of the church and began creating a surround to contain the sand for under the swingset.

We have a group of teens who are learning about photography this week during the afternoon.

A community supper was held today, and 48 people participated, and almost everyone stayed for a campfire.

The campfire included smores and Jiffy Pop popcorn.  Babies, toddlers, preschoolers, teens and adults all enjoyed the comfort and fellowship of being around a campfire.This time provided much needed time for reflection about the goodness and grace of uniting our families together through the love of Jesus.

Our team is looking forward to another day filled with activity and love for the children in the Sisseton community.

Please continue to pray for safety and protection of the children attending VBS and for endurance and strength for our team. Also, pray for the teens in the community, and for the Saturday activity including a picnic and movie in the park.


July 20, 2013

Sisseton Mission Trip 2013 July 30th through August 4th, 2013

Today, July, 20th  our team will have our final planning meeting for our missions trip to Sisseton, South Dakota. 

Please be in prayer for the community of Sisseton and the families and children who will be attending VBS. Our team will leave on July 30th and return August 4th.  We are looking forward to working with Sisseton and Dakota Alliance Churches.

July 17, 2013

Cleveland VBS Days 1 & 2

We've done days 1 and 2 of our VBS at the Family Ministry Center in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood, and at Metro Alliance Church in the Ohio City neighborhood. Other than the heat indices it has been an exhilarating time of ministry. We've had a total of about 40 kids between our two sites, 20 at each. There have been many God-centered conversations between our students, leaders and the kids we're ministering to. Pray, because today these kids will all have a chance to receive Christ!

Yesterday we prayer walked in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood; today we prayer walk in the Ohio City neighborhood. For those of you who may be curious, prayer walking is just what it sounds like: praying while walking. However, we're taught to pay attention to many things. First, in these neighborhoods there are many foreclosed or condemned homes. We pray for these homes; that the foreclosed homes would be filled with Christ-following families, and that the condemned homes would remain safe if there happen to be squatters in them. Second, we want to pray for businesses we pass, that they would remain for the sake of bringing pride and jobs to the neighborhood. Third, we pray for anyone who will allow us. Many people sit on their porches all day, so we pray for them. This exercise helps us to be aware of our surroundings as we pray, and to learn to listen for God's leading in how we pray.

The trip has been amazing to this point. And to top all that off, our students have been awesome. They have been so well-behaved and helpful, listening to directions given by leaders and so forth, we couldn't ask for a better group of students. Make sure to tell them you're proud of them when they return. We certainly are telling them that much here.

July 14, 2013

Sunday in Cleveland

We started out the day today by attending a service at Metro Alliance Church, with a message given by Dan McElwain who is actually a middle school teacher. His message was on 2 Corinthians 6:3-7:1. He taught us about how we sometimes can create extra stumbling blocks for people who are not yet believers, and also how we shouldn't give up in the attempt to "be perfect" simply because we're saved; for it is because we're saved that we should press on in order to be perfect as our father in heaven is perfect. It was a great message that connected very well with our team.

After that some of us went grocery shopping and some of us passed out fliers for the VBS. When that was done we returned to the Family Ministry Center, where we're staying, to have lunch and get ready for the BBQ.

Our BBQ lasted from 3-5:30pm, and we had the chance to register many kids for the VBS and get-to-know/feed some homeless people - it was exactly what the BBQ was intended to do.

Finally, we went to Edgewater Park to spend some time swimming and enjoying a quiet evening. At Edgwater there is a beach with Lifegaurds, an ice cream shop, and a live percussion group made of of individuals who at random can show up and join in the music. It was a great end to our day.

Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated!

July 13, 2013

We're in Cleveland!

Hey CCC! We made it to Cleveland. We had a very uneventful trip, which is exactly what you want when you drive 14 hours - no van issues, no discipline issues, no sickness - just pray it keeps up for the rest of the week.

Tomorrow we will be going to the early service at Metro Alliance Church, which starts promptly at 9:07. After that we will be preparing for our neighborhood BBQ's and when those are done, likely around 5:30pm, we will head to Edgewater Park for a little relaxation time by Lake Erie.

Pray that we embody Jesus wherever we go and whatever we do!

July 12, 2013

Berlin Trip Days 7 and 8

Yesterday marked the conclusion of our time with the kids at the English Day Camp.  While the number of kids was small, we count the week as a resounding success!  Strong relationships were built, English skills were improved, and, most importantly, the Gospel was shared.  Marti told the team yesterday how engaged the kids were during the story of Jesus and the presentation of the Gospel message.  They asked many questions and were even able to communicate what they had learned back to the German translator in German.  This was especially exciting as it means they both understood the message and will be able to share with their friends and families about God's love for all people.  We trust that God will use the seeds that were planted this past week to expand on His kingdom here in Berlin and throughout Germany.

As a team, we are tired but excited about what God was able to accomplish.  As I alluded to in earlier posts, this week has been a clear reminder that God does not always work in ways that make sense to us nor does He mark success in the ways that we do.  We praise Him for this experience, what He was able to do through us to enrich the lives of the kids, and for the blessing to be chosen by Him to act as His servants in Germany.

Tomorrow (Sunday the 14th) half of the team will be heading back to the U.S. while the other half will be leaving Berlin to spend a few additional days traveling around this great country.  I trust that you will pray for safe travels for all and for each team member as we communicate (in more detail) with you upon our return about all that God has done over this past week.

God bless!


July 10, 2013

Berlin Trip Days 5 and 6 pictures

Berlin Trip Days 5 and 6

Things are continuing to go great for the camp.  While the lead we had for bringing in additional kids didn't pan out, we are all convinced that God brought each of the 3 kids that have been attending to this camp for a specific reason.  While it can be hard to break out of the mentality that bigger is better or that success is best measured numerically, it is necessary to realize that God does not always work on the same scale that we do.  We praise God that relationships between the CCC team and the campers continue to grow deeper with each passing day.

Marti Ogren, who is teaching the twice-daily Bible lessons, has shared with us that the kids are deeply engaged with and excited about the stories (creation, David and Goliath, etc.) that are being taught.  We suspect that for at least one of the campers this is the first time that she has heard these stories and how through them we can see God's strength and faithfulness.  Please continue to pray for each of these 3 kids that the words that are spoken will be seeds that will continue to grow in their young minds and hearts, both this week and throughout their lives.


July 9, 2013

Cleveland Mission Trip Calendar

Hey CCC. In four days our middle school missions team will be headed to Cleveland for the sixth year in a row. I'll be keeping you updated throughout the week on what God is doing in and through our students and leaders. For now, here is a link to our trip calendar so you can see what we'll be doing.
Pastor Josh

July 8, 2013

Berlin Trip Day 4 Pictures

Berlin Trip Day 4 - In the midst of English camp

We are a couple of hours away from the completion of our first day of English camp.  While only 3 campers came today, all are having a fantastic time.  While on the surface this may seem to be a disappointment, the results thus far have been anything but that.  The small numbers have allowed for some good relationships to already be formed.  We will have an incredible opportunity to speak into the lives of each of these kids and communicate the gospel, both through our words and actions.

There are still some opportunities that are being explored to bring in additional campers, so continued prayer in that regard would be appreciated.  However, we all know clearly that God has brought us here to minister to the kids that He has chosen.  Whether it be 3 or 30, all are important to Him and we are happy to continue doing our part in following His will for us.

I will be posting up pictures from today's activities later this evening for your enjoyment...


July 7, 2013

Berlin Trip Day 3

Following a great worship service with the team and a number of the C&MA missionaries, we completed preparations for the start of camp tomorrow.  We still don't know if we are going to have 4 or 34 kids, but God does and we trust that He will give us the strength we need to deal with whatever number comes through the door.

In the evening, Don Jones treated those who hadn't been to Berlin before to a walking tour of the main sights around the middle of the city, while the rest of us relaxed in the Tiergarten area, where the kings of old, after leaving the city through the Brandenburg Gate, used to hunt.  Now it is a large green area in the city, filled with trees, grassy areas, ponds, and walking paths.

Please keep those prayers for the team and the camp coming.  We definitely appreciate them!


July 6, 2013

Berlin Trip Day 2

Today we were busy shopping and setting up for the day camp that begins in just 2 days.  It was a great opportunity for the team to continue the adjustment and also make sure that all is in order to (hopefully) minimize the chance of surprises when the campers arrive.

We also got another hopeful piece of news that we would like you all to continue praying about.  As of today, we only had four campers officially registered.  However, we got a call from someone who works at a local Christian school that was interested in bring a group of up to 30 kids from their summer program to our camp.  If all works out, this would be a definite answer to prayer.  Please pray with us over the following days that these kids will be able to join us.

That's it for now, though I do want to send a quick team picture that we took today outside of the location where we are holding the camp.  Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers as you journey with us in proclaiming the Gospel in Berlin!


July 5, 2013

Hello from Berlin!

After a July 4th departure, the team arrived safe and sound in Berlin about 2 hours ago.  A bit of time will be spent getting situated in the hotel and then we will all be meeting at the home of Don and Sarah Jones, team leaders for the C&MA in Germany, for a refreshing time of food and conversation.

The real fun will begin tomorrow as we take part in final preparations for the English day camp that will be starting on Monday.  It will be a busy day, but should help keep everyone awake to help with the jet-lag.

Check back tomorrow for more updates and (hopefully) pictures...

Phil Nelson

July 1, 2013

Germany Team Departing

Our Germany short term mission team will be leaving Minnesota on July 4. They ask that you pray for these requests:

- Travel and customs as they enter/exit Germany
- Quick adjustment to the time change (Berlin is seven hours ahead of MN)
- Health and safety of all the team members, as well as their families back in MN
- Maximum enrollment in English Camp - they are short of the 30 camper limit
- God's guidance for the team as they work together
- That they would be a blessing to the missionaries
- Flexibility and openness to God's leading while they are there.
