Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
My heart felt fully content as the children arrived at the First Baptist Church with smiles, and eager anticipation. While a few of the children were ready to jump in with the activities others were quite shy. Soon we were singing along with our youth worship team, and Pastor Richard taught lessons of how we may seek out God's protection in life. Storms do come our way, but the Lord is our help during times of trouble.
Sidney revealed her special guests and one of God's most beautiful creations including several monarch butterflies, caterpillars and chrysalises to share with everyone brought tenderly and carefully from Rochester.
We had another tremendous puppet performance by Jim and Kim and the children are eagerly awaiting what tomorrow will bring!
As the morning progressed, children received animal balloons, and had the opportunity to tie dye their t-shirts with Charlotte Dance. When I stepped inside from the outside activities, the air was buzzing with eager intent children gathered around the tables with Dave Allen orchestrating the children and teens in creating and designing colorful boomerangs
Lunch arrived quickly and Kim and Jim served delicious grilled cheese sandwiches and fruit followed by Freezees for our church family.
Early afternoon brought a creativity class of journaling and drawing conducted by Elizabeth Nida Obert.
On Tuesday, the children created delightful cards for the elders at the living center and today, we had the opportunity to visit a Chapel Service at Tekakwitha Living Center and greet and visit with several people during the afternoon. A few of the youth from VBS were able to join us, worship along with us, greet, and listen to many stories throughout the afternoon.
Family supper arrived quickly and the Chris and Jessica Williams family served delicious walking tacos!
Lastly, our Sisseton Church family campfire tonight was a huge hit with more Jiffy Pop Popcorn and delicious Dunkel Donuts!
There are many stories to share, but again the time is after midnight and we anticipate another full day tomorrow as the children will be delighted and thrilled to receive their school supplies donated from our CCC VBS!
Tomorrow's Schedule
Day 3: Friday, August 1
God as Redeemer
Romans 3:23-24
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.”
Story: Parable of the Lost Sheep
Read Luke 15:3-7, John 3:16 and John 1:12
Sand Art Cross
Afternoon: Women's Fellowship Spa Day!
Prayer requests:
Please pray for all the children attending Friday’s VBS, and for a successful and enriching Saturday afternoon VBS, dinner and movie at the park.
Pray for the team to remain strong and healthy.
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