August 4, 2015

Looking Back

This was our family's 7th mission trip to Sisseton. Each of the trips bring back special memories and help develop relationships with the people that live there. Each trip has had different tasks and experiences and this one was no exception.

Some of those relationships are with the children. They love it when you remember their names from the year before, but openly welcome the new ones coming along. It was great watching Joel LaCroix with his lap and arms full of kids. My heart melted when I held one little boy and told him I liked to snuggle. 'I like to snuggle, too.' was his reply. Knowing that some of the children wait all summer for this VBS makes the work worthwhile.

Some of those relationships are with the adults that attend the church.  Over the years I understand more about the brokenness around them and how I need to pray for them. We are there for such a short time, but God is there all the time. One of our team members was feeling quite discouraged by what she was able to do while she was there. When I brought this up to 2 of the women, they told me several very specific ways that she had ministered to them.

My tasks this year were quite different from other years. If I was a Mary those other years, I was a Martha this year. I taught the preschool VBS for 6 trips and I loved working with the little ones. This year, someone needed to cook and I decided that someone should be me. It was really busy cooking for an unknown number of people every day, but I loved it. As I cooked, I could hear them teaching the little ones around the corner. It made me smile. 

Our theme this year was His hands and feet. My hands and feet (and sometimes clothes) were usually dyed by the tie-dye that we did. Swimming and washing dishes took away most of the color from my hands, but I would like to see the value of what we all did have a lasting impact. Even if nothing I did there makes a difference in Sisseton, going to Sisseton has made an impact on me and my family. My son asks for months ahead of time 'How long until we go to Sisseton?' I want to be the hands and feet of Christ to the world around me. Even more, I want my children to learn to be the hands and feet of Christ. This yearly trip doesn't take the place of daily living for Christ, but it is a very deliberate time for our whole family to work together for Him.

 The very cool skylight in the tribal government center
Stomp rockets were a big hit at mobile VBS

August 2, 2015

Saturday, August 1 VBS -Puppets, Songs and Sand Art

         Our days have been full beginning with VBS, preparing lunches, and afternoons spending time with our Sisseton Church family.  After supper each night, everyone enjoyed spending the evening around a campfire sharing stories of times past and plans for the future.

         God has truly blessed our time here in Sisseton. On Saturday we ventured outside of Sisseton and visited a community neighborhood. We spent time with children who love playing ball, sending off stomp rockets as well as spending time enjoying a puppet show about Joseph forgiving his brothers.  Creating sand art was a special treat! Thank you Sherman and Charlotte!

         On Saturday night, we enjoyed spending our last time together this week around a campfire roasting hot dogs and marshmallows.

        We have so many stories to share with each of you about our week, and here are a few photos to begin.

July 31, 2015

Sisseton Recap Day 2 & 3

Our past two days have been full of sunshine and people.  Our group of 10 adults and 10 kids have worked very hard the last few days.  We were dragging a bit as we woke up and started our day today...but we had a very full day and many were at the Dakota Alliance Church from 8:30am until 10:45pm.

Here is a brief update of our days:
We have finished up our VBS program at the Dakota Alliance Church...with our VBS program that was held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning from 9:30am - noon.  The theme was "The hand and feet of Jesus" and we used this lesson plan throughout the planning process.  The kids from our group put on some great puppet shows, the kids helped lead worship time and our adults shared some wonderful stories and message to the kids of all ages.

One thing that is truly different about VBS in Sisseton vs. Rochester is this; the time frame really doesn't matter.  We have no check-in system.  We don't have nametags.  We don't even know who will be showing up or how many.  AND...we feed everyone lunch.  Everyone.  If they show up, they can eat.  *for those planning the meals and how much food to bring, that makes the organization and shopping process even more exciting.  ;)

We have also had time to visit a local nursing home.  We had some really good conversations with a few of the residents and also attending their church service that they have during the week.  We sang songs, listened to the message and the kids from CCC also put on a skit.  The bonus of the kids in our group wrote the skit.  It was very cute to see them shine God's light in the preparations for this and while they were performing.  (all of the kids doing the skit were ages 10 and under)

Each night we have spent time around a campfire.  Honestly, the flies are obnoxious, even during the day, but the time spent around talking and socializing are special moments.  We had our biggest campfire gathering on Thursday night and it was just great to see people gathered and joining together for this.  Having a "campfire" may not sound like is should be missions related but this truly is one of the activities that our group is known for...and we let the kids play together, the adults talk and our group even gets to know each other better too.  You can't make these connections and plan them out on paper.

The guys have been working on a ramp for the church...and they are almost finished!  They have had lots of little helpers and some pretty high temps to work in as well.  They have done a great job working as a team and getting this project finished.

Women's spa day is another annual tradition...and today we washed feet, painted toes and a few hands.  A few women and girls even got a foot or hand massage.  Spending time with individuals at their feet level is not only humbling but is something that Jesus did for others.  Today we painted an array of colors that are shining bright and pretty throughout Sisseton...and also had conversations while enhancing the beauty of these individuals.  Some of the conversations and attitudes were tough to crack while others flowed freely.  I personally saw a lot of dynamics in the group and a lot of hurt in some of the eyes as they were speaking or being talked to by others.  One of the conversations that I had with a child went a little something like this:

Me:  I see you have nail polish on your hands.  Can I take that off so we can put new colors on?
Child:  Yes
Me:  Do you like to paint your nails?
Child:  Yes
Me:  Does someone help you paint them or do you do them yourself?
Child:  My dad and his girlfriend do, but they are both in jail now.

This child was about the same age as my boys...who are 7 and 10.  I never would have known this bit of info if I didn't wash her feet or paint her fingers and toes.

Please keep our group in your prayers...

  • Health and safety for the group.  We have at least one child diagnosed with strep today in our group.  A few others are run down and just not feeling great either.  
  • That we will say the right words and be in the places we should on Saturday...and be open to using our talents and gifts with those we meet.
*Jessica Williams