August 3, 2016

CO: Tuesday

An update from Trisha Rindels, Director of Family Ministries:

We are in our second day as I am writing this. There are churches from AZ, IA, and TX here. It has been great getting to know the other students and leaders! Everyone is working really well together. There are four groups and our students are split between two of them. So we get to serve alongside students from other churches. It has been a great experience so far and we have been challenged to show God's love in every way as we serve the people of Cortez. 

Josh, Matt, Nathan, and I have served with Kids Club and at a local nursing home over the past two days. The first day was a challenge. We were reminded of how much every person needs the love of Christ and that this week we have the opportunity to show that to them no matter what. The highlights were that most of the kids responded really well to our students and our students jumped in with both feet to play, teach, and just be with the kids. Today (Tuesday) was an incredible day in every way. We went to a local nursing home and were blessed to get to visit with the residents there, paint the ladies' nails, and take them on walks. It truly filled my cup and I know our team really enjoyed visiting and hearing the residents' life stories. Today at Kids Club, it was much easier with the mix of kids that attended and we all loved spending time with them. 

Danae, Bree, Madison, and Noelle have been at a work site (Shirley's house) in Dove Creek for the past two days. The first day they painted Shirley's house with three coats of paint!!! They worked hard, drank lots of water as it was a hot day, and were in awe of how much they got done! Today they went back to Shirley's home and helped with various projects around the yard. It was an eye opener for our students as they made a scrap metal pile, stacked wood, bagged garbage, and many have not experienced a place quite like Shirley's. This was a way to bless her and her family as she has been a blessing to all the church groups with her talents this summer. Tonight she will bring her pottery to sell and make us Navajo tacos for dinner. We are excited!! 

A few prayer requests: 
  • Josh got sick yesterday but is feeling better today. Pray for continued health for him. 
  • Pray that we will sleep well so that we are well rested to do God's work here and give it our all. 
  • We were unable to go to Mesa Verde on Monday due to weather so we are praying the weather will hold out for us and that we could go tomorrow night on our free choice night. 
  • Prayer that God would continue to use us to make an impact on this community and that our hearts would be open to what God wants to teach us through this experience. 

Thank you for your prayers!

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